
Full-Stack Junior Developer


Jaclyn is a certified Software Engineer fresh out of We Can {Code} IT's full time programming bootcamp. Over the 12 weeks of the bootcamp, Jaclyn has practiced both front end and back end development- from console apps to SQL databases to MVC apps. After graduation in June 2016, she intends to begin a lasting career in Cleveland's growing tech industry.

Tech Skills

  • C#
  • CSS 3
  • Entity Framework
  • GIMP
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • HTML 5
  • JavaScript
  • Jquery
  • MVS
  • Microsoft Office
  • Python
  • SQL
  • SQL Server
  • Scrum
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Visual Studio

To Do List

Database for keeping track of tasks. Each task is saved into a database.

Web App | C# JQuery SQL | June 2016

Virtual Bank Teller

Simulates bank account transactions between the user and a bank teller. The app uses many object oriented programming concepts such as polymorphism and inheritance.

Console App | C# | Apr 2016
Partner: Julie Baoini

Relativity Word Problems

Provides animated representations of the relativity principals length contraction and time dilation by using the Tkinter module and Princeton's picture module.

Console App | Python | Dec 2014
Partner: Nora Rice

Hotel WCCI

Many to many relational database for a fictional hotel using Bootstrap.

Website | HTML CSS | May 2016

First Website

First responsive website mimicking a preexisting site by using Bootstrap.

Website | HTML CSS | May 2016

Meeting Minutes Management Software

Uses the StringBuilder class and file streams to write meeting minutes and then save them to a text file.

Console App | C# | Apr 2016

Student Name Lister

User can view, edit, sort, and save a list of student names.

Console App | C# | Mar 2016

Virtual Fortune Teller

Simulates getting a fortune told by a fortune teller. The fortune is based on user input.

Console App | C# | Mar 2016
Partner: Sirahn Butler


Nationwide database of DIY bands, venues and promotors.

Web App | C# JavaScript | Ongoing
Partner: Development Team

Blank Slate

Soon to be website for nonprofit arts venue. Currently working on displaying facebook events with PHP.

Website | HTML CSS JQuery PHP| Ongoing
Partner: Development Team



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